Sunday, January 3, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new......

Happy New Year!!!!!!!,

I trust everyone had a Happy New Year's Eve. Party time around The 'Burg. Everyone snoring in unison before 9:00 pm. What a drag!!! Oh, for the good 'ol days. Crock pots full of BBQ Hotdogs and chili cheese dip. Summer sausage and chips galore. Dick Clark's Rock'n Eve on the Telly. Seemed kinda boring at the time, but what I'd give for just ONE of those nights.

Preliminary stages, I've not said anything to Bryan yet until he reads this, Sorry Pal, but I'm going to explore the possibility of leaving The 'Burg. Not to another facility but some place with a little more freedom, some place that isn't run like a dadgum Prison and micromanaged beyond belief. Like I said, extremely early in the planning stages. May not even occur, but I wanted to give everyone my thoughts and maybe even get some input. There has GOT to be better surroundings than THIS. Besides, Bryan needs his garage space back. I've freeloaded long enough. Details as they develop. I'm too young for where I'm at. I WANT MORE FREEDOM!!!!!!!

All for this week. Have a safe week and I'll see ya all right back here next week.

Love to all,


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ho ho ho and a bottle of rum.......

Good Morning.

I trust we all had a safe and VERY Merry Christmas. Weather certainly cooperated and gave the vast majority of us a White Christmas The roads were nasty so I hope everyone got to stay in. I know Kevin and Jana had to make an unscheduled trip to Springfield, MO on account of her father having difficulty breathing. Sounds like a case of Pneumonia Jana, Lana, stay safe and our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

I'm certainly no longer coffee poor. Seems every gift I received had to do with coffee or THE UNDEFEATED INDIANAPOLIS COLTS!! Going for 15-0 today. I KNOW you all are rooting for them. ANYway, the coffee mugs (some microwavable, some not) came pouring (Pun intended) in with one more due. A FARKLE coffee mug. You folks on Facebook are aware of FARKLE I'd imagine. Starbucks coffee, Tasters Choice coffee, Folgers coffee, Creamers and did I mention, MUGS?????

Bryan and Laura supplied me with a new watch, Indiana Hoosiers shirt, (I'm light on those) and a pair of sweats.(plenty of those)

All-in-all a very nice Christmas. Now to get rested so I can stay up until at least 10:00 pm on New Years Eve. LoL. Then begin worrying about this O'Bamacare crap. I have no clue what I'll do once that takes affect. It isn't sounding good. Happy New Year and I wish peace and prosparity for us all.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Target has been reached!!!!!

Good Morning,

With the generosity of The Sunday News subscribers, who are friends and family of yours truly, we have EXCEEDED the target of $600.oo!!! With this weeks checks, coupled with what I was able to keep back before Medicaid played snatch grab. our total for the "when the computer needs replaced" fund is a staggering $730.83!!!!! I give my heart felt thanks to all of you that chipped in. You are simply the greatest bunch of friends I could ask for. Again, THANK YOU!!!! A small portion, $291.83 will continue to draw interest as it is in my PayPal account. Small yield, unlike the great LNB, but every bit helps.

What a game!!!! Colts/Jaguars was something to stay up for!! It was televised on the NFL Network but we were able to catch it locally. I failed to win either last Sunday's (Rick) nor last Thursday's (Jasper) Snickers bar. The two cheat'n malcontents are roommates and I suspect are peeking at the script. They read TSN, so I can't say that I hope they choke on it. :-) Nice pick'n guys!!!!

Finally I leave you with this. It was submitted by a Buccaneers fan when they win, a Dolphin's fan when they aren't. Little Sister, this is for you:

♪ Oh, the weather outside is frightful ... but the Colts are so delightful ... And the others already know … 14 oh, 14 oh, 14 oh … Oh, they don't show signs of stopping ... and Colts fans are really hopping ... Getting ready to reach their goal ... Superbowl … Superbowl ... Superbowl! ♪♪

See ya next week and Happy Holidays and Happy Birthday to punk'n. The Jewish Toddler Azzy born on CHRISTMAS Day. Not sure what all of THAT is about. To the rest of you, Merry Christmas.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

And that's a winner!!!!!

Good Morning,

Well, I'm happy to report that thanks to the cooperation of the UNDEFEATED INDIANAPOLIS COLTS, I will gain a few more pounds. That's right, I once again won the Snickers bar. Well. I split it with Beth, the Director of Nursing. But Bookie Barry saw fit to get us each one. 10 guessers last week, unknown how many participants there are this week. Jasper, can ya shoot me an e-mail with the final tally?? Please??

Checks contintue to trickle in. Trilla, I've received yours but haven't gotten it to Bryan yet to cash. THANK YOU!!!!! It was a big'n. I'll give final numbers next week.

Be sure to tune in today to root on the UNDEFEATED INDIANAPOLIS COLTS. Should be a great game. See ya next week. Oh, my guess this week is 31-17 Colts. GO ME!!!! LOL


Sunday, December 6, 2009

.......and the winner is....

Good Morning,

Not much to report this week as opposed to last week. The only thing I'm proud as punch about is being the weekly, or weakly, winner of a King-Sized Snicker's bar. Several folks get together and guess what the final score of the Colts game will be. I was the closest to the hole last week. Oops, got my Sports crossed up. Gonna be a tough game this afternoon against the Titans, but the Colts should prevail. Have a great week all, and I'll see ya next week.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

The week from Hell Part 2: Staying on the high road but under the radar

Good Morning,

I've started and stopped this several times already. There are several ways I can go about this. First thing that comes to mind, though it shouldn't, is to simply be mean-spirited towards The 'Burg. I feel angry, irate, incensed, enraged, infuriated, furious, mad, provoked, irritated. A little confused, not to mention flummoxed. That said, in the end I have returned to The ' my own suite. The route here though was truly a hassle and a half. I felt abused, maltreated, mistreated and literally thrown under the bus. But I'm going to stay on the high road and hope to stay under the radar. Here is the rest of the week:

Dr, Shapiro told me on Thursday October 29 that my discharge date was the following day at 1:00 p.m. Good news indeed. The week had already been a disaster and I wanted to return to some sort of normalcy. Being back with Gordo never seemed so good. I endured, what I thought was my last day, of catsup-less/ketchup-less eggs. Through lunch and I start staring at the clock. 1:00 comes and goes, 2:00 comes and goes, same for 3:00. FINALLY at 4:00 a new face appeared. She said her name was Marilyn and she was the Case worker for St. Vincent's. I asked where my chariot was and she informed me that my discharge had been postponed. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, this can't be!!!!! SO close to leaving. She said something else appeared from my Lung scope, MRSP. I have no clue what this is other than what she told me, which is a bacteria that grows in your lung, possibly contagious. She went on to say that Williamsburg was "making arrangements" for me. She also said I would be staying there at St. Vincent's through at least the weekend. Endured Saturday and Sunday, thanks to the undefeated Indianapolis Colts (that's for you, little Sister) Then Monday came with no news and then I saw Marilyn again on Tuesday. She told me Williamsburg was not going to take me back because they were "unable to now meet my health needs." Which, by Law, is the only thing with Medicaid that they can say. Marilyn went on to say that Bryan was calling around trying to find a new facility. Wednesday came along and next Marilyn told me that my insurance had entered the arena and that they would stop paying after Wednesday. Luckily Bryan found a facility in Lafayette. So, I climbed into the back of the ambulance Tuesday evening and was transported to The Regency in Lafayette. Own room, wireless Internet, phone, and TV equipped room. NO ROOMMATE. Not bad digs. Staff was pleasant enough. Lafayette is ~45 minutes away from Crawfordsville. Bryan came over on that Friday while I was in therapy. After taking me back to my room he said he had received a phone call from The 'Burg saying they would take me back "with restrictions." Not sure what they had in mind for restrictions, and I still don't. I was missing my friends here at The 'Burg, and was told I would be receiving a roommate at The Regency, albeit short-term. ~2 weeks. I weighed the pro's and con's and decided to move back "home" to The 'Burg. So that Friday, 2 weeks to the day that this adventure began, I climbed aboard my Mustang and Bryan drove me back to The 'Burg. They moved me to a room by myself keeping me away from the vent residents. Everyone is in agreement that the MRSP, or whatever, is colonized and no threat of being contagious. I'm not complaining though as I'm in my own suite.

Timely article in the weekend edition of our County paper, aptly named "The Paper." Has to do with sleep apnea. I have a CPAP (See article for the acronym definition) and am once again reaching Stage 4 sleep. Bizarro dreams I am having but at least I am once again dreaming.

That's it in a nutshell. All's well that ends well. See ya next week.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Week from Hell Part 1: saved by a cup of coffee

Good Morning,

It's been awhile. Miss me? I certainly missed all of you. Unscheduled trip to the hospital for me. Ugh. I have enough material now for an 8 part series, but I'll condense it down to two. You'll thank me for it when I'm finished, I'm sure. :-) This is what I remember from the week from Hell:

On October 23rd at approximately 5:00 a.m., Peggy, the night nurse couldn't wake me up. This is, or was, the time for my morning meds and Morning coffee. I had donated my coffee pot to the nurses station I was assigned to. So, each morning they were sweet enough to bring me a cup from it. Leaded as opposed to the unleaded junk the kitchen serves up. I'm normally up well before this time so she found it odd that I was still in bed. She tried and tried to wake me up, but I was dead to the World. First thing I remember is looking up and seeing Peggy and Kristy, the Night Respiratory Terrorist as they were hitting me in the upper chest. I managed to position myself sitting on the edge of the bed. After approximately 1 hour of this it was obvious I wasn't responding too well so they called an ambulance and I was off to St. Claire ER. I don't recall too much of what transpired here other than them inserting something into my upper arm to receive meds. After approximately 2 hours, I was transferred to St. Vincent's in Indianapolis. For those of you who wasn't with me last time, this is the hospital of surgery #4, which I don't recall at all. I DO remember one of the Doctors though, aPulmonologist named Dr. Shapiro. He just happened to be my Doctor of record for this latest adventure Oh, lest I forget, one thing I did leave the ER with was a $4, 589.26 bar tab. Guess I bought several rounds for the house. Ouch!!! I slept through the rest of Friday and all of Saturday. Waking up only for meals and to use the bathroom. This brings me to my first complaint. A complaint I would register with the State if I knew which agency to contact. The crux of the complaint is NO KETCHUP/CATSUP ON MY MORNING EGGS!!!! I mean come on, get real....not even a Wendy's type ketchup/catsup packet. That's it, I shan't return to this establishment, not by choice anyway. I was awake Sunday watching the UNDEFEATED INDIANAPOLIS COLTS (that's for you, little sister) and then falling off to sleep again. Next complaint, staffing shortage and NO communication between Staff members. EVERYONE who came through the door, even Nurses working the same shift began talking to me as if I were a hearing person. Everyone was wearing masks so I wasn't even afforded the opportunity to TRY to read their lips. I finally tired of repeating myself and had a Nurse post a note on the door that basically said "Patient is Deaf." DUH!!!!! Monday night was a sleep study. Hooked up to all of these electrodes and wearing a mask. Then they have the audacity to tell me to get a good night sleep so they have a good study. This is NOT going over too well. Anyway, I survive the night and learn my O2 level dips into the 60's and 70's. Good era for music, bad area for O2 levels. So, Tuesday and Wednesday nights I am fighting with this stupid mask get up. Finally, Thursday night a bit of relief. They switched me to a nostril insert and I was able to discontinue use of the mask. MUCH better. Wednesday was a lung scope and Thursday was a chest X-ray. Results of the scope was less than ideal. I had a mucous plug and something else that caused the O2 level to plummet. I'm not sure what was done to combat this. Antibiotics I am guessing. Oh, first round of Antibiotics caused me to break out in a rash ALL OVER MY BODY. Quite itchy, so Benadryl to the rescue. Wednesday, Dr. Shapiro tells me I'll be able to leave either Thursday or Friday. Thursday comes around and he tells me discharge is slated for 1:00 p.m. Friday. COOL, back to the 'Burg. Oh wait, not so fast............

This concludes Part 1. See ya next week for the Jumping through hoops and standing on my head stacking bb's to get discharged