Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Welcome to the NEW The Sunday News format Once again I'm on the heels of my good friend Lee Martin who is the owner of The Holy Grounds Cafe. He really should be proud of his effort putting it all together. He's done a masterful job. You can access his Blog from the bottom of my Blog, where you see a Holy Grounds Cafe hyperlink

By reading this, it means you made the cut. The previous format for The Sunday News allowed virtually an unlimited number of subscribers. I had 42 subscribers, that is 42 I E-mailed each Sunday. Here I am limited to ten. So you see, each one of you has had such an impact on my life that I bestow to you the chance to come in on the ground floor.

Since there are a limited number of slots, I ask that you subscribe/follow to the Blog at the "followers" link under "my cronies". In doing so, this may allow for you to be automatically notified when I publish to the Blog. My plan is to keep it to Sunday's only, as before. It may just create a bookmark for you to the Blog. I hope (you) will take a moment to try it out and report back by posting to the Blog. If it does what I think it does, I can then remove your E-mail address and add one from the waiting list. We'll grow together. Don't worry, no E-mails are sent when someone posts a comment to the Blog. I've tested it. E-mails are only sent when "I" publish content. I've done some follow-up, When you click "follow" under "my cronies", you will be given a computer generated name. To change this name into your own, click on "more options" and "edit name". Oh and then don't forget to click "follow this blog". Please let us know if there is anything else.

Mr. Ken Beam has labeled me a contemporary. Mr. Webster defines contemporary as being a person existing, occurring, or living at the same time; belonging to the same time: Newton's discovery of the calculus was contemporary with that of Leibniz. So, I have that going for me.

The economy is so bad and my budget so tight, I had to give up the Constant Contact subscription. It was nice if for nothing other than having the ability to reach a greater number of friends and family. Time will tell in seeing if this format compares. I learn something new with it everyday, so hopefully I can extend the learning curve and get everything from it that is possible.

I hope each of you will take a minute out of your busy schedules to spend some time with me here each Sunday. I basically felt I ran out of things to say. Many of you have asked that I continue The Sunday News in some format, so here it is. Look for "something" from me each Sunday. Might be nothing more than a hello, or I could go to the other extreme and bloviate. Just know I think of each of you often and though I rarely use the word, I love each and every one of you. Now that we are through the sappy content, scroll down to the bottom of this E-mail and click on The Sunday News hyperlink to visit the blog. Feel free to post comments. I expect to see some comments from Ken, Val, Scott and Will. Will? Geez, can ya drag your hide out of the swamp or the golf course to comment?

God Bless,
