Sunday, September 6, 2009

MRI results are in. Survey says.........

Good Morning, welcome to September,

MRI results are back and the news couldn't be better, NO TUMOR!!! For the first time in my life, I have visible proof that I am tumor-free. WHAT A RELIEF!!!!! Next up is to do some tests to see why I don't sleep much. Facebook couldn't be a factor, could it? :-)

No Reds update this week. I threw away this mornings paper already. D'OH!!!! Don't forget, the Colts play this Saturday, the 12th. GO COLTS!!!!

I must say I am a bit discouraged with The Sunday News. I had hoped for a little more participation. Come on folks, help me out here. Other than Lee, Dee, and Auralee, postings are non existent. It won't be but a few more weeks and I'll sell the presses for scrap metal and leave the blogging to the professionals.

Havea great week everybody and for now, see ya next week.



  1. Don

    Very happy to hear the great news!! I had my fingers crossed for you so maybe that helped.....probably

    I'll be heading for ole Vincennes for homecoming to see the former homestead. BTW the "Black Bitch" is sleepin'wit da fishes, if you know what I mean. :)


  2. wow that is great news, I am so happy for you. I think of you often. I am doing good, just taking care of the fam and camping when we can.

    Take Care
    Talk to you soon

  3. You CANNOT stop the Sunday News!!!!! We look forward to it every week and it gives us some insight into what is going on in your world. You news this week is a definite answer to prayer. I'm sure you have thanked the Lord for that gift as I have several times. Now that you know the results, I'm sure your gifted sense of humor will once again manifest itself and that always brings responses!!! So, my dear friend, keep on keepin' on!!!

  4. KOOL, thats great news. I too had my fingers and toes crossed. Sit back and enjoy the weekend!
    God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

  5. Your WONDERFUL news is truly a miracle! Our prayers have been heard and answered. Thank you, God! As to scheduling these "sleep tests" because you aren't getting much sleep.....FIRST try shutting down your computer after 10:00 pm and staying off FACEBOOK all night! You are obsessed, DWR!!! :) ... but ... we love ya anyway! ~~~ Dee P.S. Hey...get with it....we need some new "Nutty News Today"! :)

  6. Ther is a bible verse t hat says ""And let us not be wear in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." (Galatians 6:9) Don't stop the SUNDAY NEWS statistics prove that even though only a few actually respond to blogs many others are reading them. Find a way to put a "counter" on the site and you prove it for youraself.

    TO ALL OTHER READERS we have started a "Don's Computer Fund" with the hopes of providing some financial assistance so that he can replace his soon to outdated computer and keep us up to date on what's going onin his life. If youh ave access to Pay Pal is address is kcfastlane@yahoon. Any contribution will be appreciated. If you don't have pay pal but want to contribute, I'm sure Don can get you an address to mail the check to.

  7. Good News!!!! Doing the happy dance down here...

  8. That's the best news ever!! I too am doing a special happy dance! It's probably a good thing you can't see me doing it. God bless you, Don and please don't scrap the News.

  9. Don, please don't give up on the Sunday News. I love reading it. Sometimes I don't get to it until Wednesday but I always read it.
    I am so thankful that God has given you the wonderful gift of healing. No tumor is the best news yet.

  10. Yeah Donnie. I am so happy that your news is good. All of our prayers are answered. You have many friends who love and care for you. As for the news, don't you dare stop. Since you don't text me anymore that is all the news I ever get from you. I love ya. Wish we were closer. :D
    Jo Ellen and Earle

  11. Don, ... It looks to me like your readers have spoken. A public outcry has been heard.

    Gosh you could be a politician...

    Fight the urge.

  12. Great news and so happy for those results. And please, keep my in the loop for The Sunday News.
    Melissa, TX
