Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cram for the test all for naught

Good Morning,

I was studying hard for the upcoming sleep study. Burn the midnight oil, drank tons of coffee, lost tons more sleep. Then they canceled the darned thing on account of my having a trach. Doctor should have known this prior to scheduling the darned thing. So, now I am back to square one. Unsure what is next. I have begun taking a sleeping pill. It knocks me out within 30 minutes but when I wake up to use the bathroom I can't get back to sleep. Although that was not the case this morning. Went back to bed and back to sleep and "slept in" to 7:00 a.m. Hopefully I'll start getting a better nights rest.

Now on to the computer fund Lee has graciously started. Lee, I'll use your funds for the inteded purpose in hopes of attracting more. I received an E-mail from Trilla, my 2nd Cousin, inquiring how she can help. So, here is what we'll do. IF (you) wish to make a donation to "Don's replacement computer fund", you may do so one of two ways. IF (you) have a PayPal account, funds can be sent directly to me via E-mail. The address for it is OR, if preferred, a check or money order can be sent here to me at The 'Burg. The address is at the end of this E-mail. Any donations for any amount will be graciously accepted and used strictly for a replacement CPU when the time comes. Also, I'll report each week the amount in the fund. Thank you, Lee, for getting the ball rolling. TRULY appreciate it. Replacement CPU fund sits at $75.00. PayPal adds interest Monthly, I believe it's 3% or something like that

Also, I've decided, after reviewing comments both here and in E-mail, to keep publishing The Sunday News. Just be aware that some weeks will not have much content. It's tough to have Pulitzer quality content each week. All I'll promise is SOMETHING from me each week.

Colts play Miami on Monday Night. Colts 1-0 on the season. Defense and Special Teams looked pretty good last week. Offense a little rusty and will be rough going with Gonzales out for ~3 games. Hope a youngster can step up.

All for this week. Have a safe week and I'll see ya here next Sunday.


1609 Lafayette Rd.

Crawfordsville, IN 47933


  1. Great to hear that "the Sunday News" will continue. Maybe in time it can expand to include
    a "Fishing Page". You know one where you discuss what you wish you had caught and maybe even have some photos of the one that got away.

  2. I'm glad to hear that the presses aren't gonna be scrap metal. Keep the Sunday News coming...even if the news for that week is sparse. It's always good to hear from you!

    Hope your Colts have a good season. Will sure miss Tony Dungy!! ~Cookie
