Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Dog Day's of Summer

Good Morning,

Dark, dreary, and rainy here today. (Saturday) Just a blah day all around. Good weather to take a nap. Hrmmmmm

Apologies if you attempted, but not permitted to comment on the current week's blather. I'm not for certain exactly what the problem was but it is fixed so PLEASE feel free to post a comment. Come on, don't be shy.

Nothing out of the ordinary this week, other than Darlene driving 3 hours for a visit with groceries in tow. Will make good additions to the all ready yummy meals here at "The 'Burg".

Reds update: They are sinking. 4-6 in their last 10, five full games behind the League-leading Cardinals and .5 game behind the toilet bowl Cubs. No sass this week, Lee. They are sensitive souls. :-)

Have a new addiction. FARKLE. Dice game available through facebook. EXTREMELY addictive. As if my Backgammon addiction isn't enough, now this. Speaking of "this", time to go FARKLE. Take care everyone and I'll see ya next Sunday



  1. Dog Days are good from a perspective of one who still has to mow his yard. Today, Sunday in Topeka, it's been raining since about 5AM it's just after noon and still doing it.

    Since you brought it up I thought I would share some trivia about it:

    The Dog Days get there name because during this time the star Sirius (also know as the Dog Star), which is the brightest star seen from Earth, rises from the Sun after being lost in it's glare during the spring and early summer. The term itself was coined by the ancient Romans, who referred to these days as "caniculares dies" (days of the dogs), after the constellation Canis Major, of which Sirius is a part of. As these days coincided with the time when Sirius was visible they believed that Sirius was increasing the heat. (woof woof)

    Finally I have a question,
    is this considered sass:

    Red's :(
    Cardinal's :)

    I can hardly wait for next weeks "Sunday News"

  2. Sorry for the delay in responding, Lee. No excuses, I simply forgot. anyway, no, I wouldn't consider smiley faces sass per se. I think it falls into the category of banter. Although banter and sass could be viewed as mutually inclusive. I choose to keep them separate. But I am thick-skinned, so who knows for sure? :-) <-----sass? I guess it depends on context.

  3. You know what? I sure do enjoy reading the Sunday News each week. And by the way I posted on my blog at a question and answer interview with my kind of doctor, chrck it out, you might just find it interesting.
