Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday August 2, 2009

Good Morning,

I am presently engrossed in a Reds game so this will be short an sweet. Just checking in with everyone to let ya know I am still around. The Burg is still here, running like a well oiled machine.

I'm still heavy into Backgammon, a little Chess, Mafia Wars, Farmville, Farm Town, and of course FARKLE. So my days are now full. :-) Oh, and I am keeping up on my reading, although I have slacked off substantially. Time to get back to the game. Have a great week everyone and I'll see ya next Sunday. Time now for the weekly Reds update:

1-9 in their last 10, 9.5 games behind the Chi-Town Cubs? What's up with THAT?!? The Apocolypse is near. 2 games in front of the Pirates who are bottom feeding. Who knows, we may be the Legion of Futility by next week. GO REDS!!!! See ya....


1 comment:

  1. Hi Don,
    Sorry but I just can not resist diercting you to this really great website:

    "Play Ball"
