Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pro 13:3 (NLT)

Pro 13:3 Those who control their tongue will have a long life; a quick retort can ruin everything. (NLT)

Good Morning,

Would have been nice for me to recall this little tidbit BEFORE making the "feel good" comments I made. But, like bullets, words, once spoken, can't be brought back once they are out of the cylinder. The only drama this week was, as you can undoubtedly guess, was caused by yours truly. I'm not even sure what or how it even came about, but come about it did. "Ruby," the physical therapist who walks/ed with me twice a day and I had words. Some days she shows up, some days she don't. I mentioned this to her and she said "something", I didn't quite hear her. What she said was said for the benefit of my hearing compatriots who CAN hear, although minimally. Next thing ya know we are both giving each other what for and slinging allot of unkind words. I "fired" her. Granted, not the smartest thing I could have said, but said it I did. With everything that happened last week combined with my odd hours of slumber, I'm a wee-tad crotchety these days. I'm not making excuses, I'm just say'n. Where all of this will lead is any body's guess. Stay tuned.......

I need to apologize for last week's edition. Verbiage toward the right margin was cutoff. I'm not sure what the cause of it was, other than my creating it within my e-mail client, This week's is being drafted within the blog itself. So there "shouldn't" be any problems. Again, I regret the error.

All for this week. Have a great week everyone and I'll see ya next week.


  1. Let me clarify something...Ruby is in no way, shape, or form a physical therapist. She is a restorative aid, paid by the facility to carry out a specific program designed by the actual therapists. However, that is not always the reality.

  2. Thanx for the clarification, Adrienne. Whatever she is she is NOT fit for public display. But you are already aware of this fact, huh? GO CUBS!!!! (cough) :-)

  3. Relationships, regardless of what kind, family, job or just casual ever now and then are needless to say difficult to keep in their poroper perspective. Some one smarter than me once said "what doesn't kill you will help you grow" and since I take it you are still alive I'll have to assume you and Ruby are both growing as a result of the altercation.

    And still another way to look it this weeks happenings is just think how many of us who read your blog wishes we could "fire" certain individuals we encounter during our week, "lucky you". :)

  4. WHELP! I guess I'm certainly headed for a shorter life I have lost control of my loose tongue on a few occasions....and yes.... ruined everything! :( Have we not ALL been down this route at one time or another though? Soooo....I hate to tell you, DWR....but you do NOT have a SPECIAL, exclusive claim to this fault or most of us have been there....and done that! However....anyway....I do think YOU are pretty darned special! Keep up the great job on your BLOG....we love it!!! : ) Dee Staley

  5. Hello Don ...i can totally relate what you and Adrienne are saying about the 'Burg Restorative Aid' [she at retirement age she needs to do volunteer work]...-Marva Collins-says[Be kind to everyone you meet it just may be God Angle in disguise]remember keep praying -keep hoping -keep believing-success is just around the corner ...take care waiting for next SUNDAY NEWS ....JO
